Why Social Media is Incredibly Useful in the World of Marketing

In today’s world, social media is as important for your company as a website is. Having a presence on an array of social media platforms can be extremely beneficial to your company for a number of reasons. It can aid in reaching specific and larger audiences, engaging in digital conversations with customers, and advertising your company. 

Three of the main and most commonly used social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Here at River City Marketing, we use these platforms, among others if needed, to build an online presence for your company. Regular posts on your company’s social media platforms are crucial for building an ongoing awareness for your clients and customers about your company. Ongoing social media posts can as well, potentially increase your company’s appearance in Google searches. 

In addition to regular posts on social media, there are several types of social media advertising that can assist your company in primary audience targeting and lead generation, such as boosted posts and various advertising campaigns. Many social media platforms, such as Instagram and Facebook, have special settings to boost your posts to a specific audience. These settings can target your posts to people of a particular age group in a specific state, county, or city. 

Creating and running special social media ads is another principal task to enhance your leads by generating interest and potential conversions. In advertising campaigns, the ads are customized with suitable content and images, and special offers that are specifically designed for your target audience. 

Another goal of social media posts and advertising is to support your site’s SEO (search engine optimization) by increasing the number of backlinks to your website. This will ultimately increase your website traffic, while improving your brand awareness and reputation. 

Content creation, posting regularly, and running advertising campaigns on your social media are daunting and time consuming tasks. Hiring a professional marketing team, such as River City Marketing, can help your company in strategizing, better understanding your target audience, and generating relevant content. We employ several types of social media marketing, from regular posts to specialized lead generation campaigns. 

Founded in 1996, River City Marketing is the leading provider of digital and online marketing solutions. Based in Fairfax, Virginia, we assist diverse organizations throughout the Washington, D.C. metro area and beyond with achieving online success.  Our diverse capabilities include complete website design and development, search engine optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) management, search engine marketing, social media services, blogging, internet strategy, content creation, in addition to branding and marketing services. Contact us today!